Wednesday, September 14, 2011

SOTA: OK/KR-001, KR-066, KR-067 (KR-011)

Two weeks ago I wasn't successful with activation these three respectively four above mentioned SOTAs (see krkonose bez zensky,bez tabaku a bez qso - it's in czech but you can try to use google on-line translator)
Now I didn't have such much time and also resolve to try reach KR-001 from Horni Marsov, therefore I leave my car on parking place in Horni Mala Upa - Pomezni Boudy (1000 m asl) , on Czech-Polisch border. Parking fee is only 50 crowns - probably it's post-season price.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Krkonoše - bez ženský, bez tabáku a bez QSO

"Prožíváme-li delší dobu idylu, přestaneme ji vnímat, a osud by nám prokázal neocenitelnou službu, kdyby nás popadl za límec a vyhodil na mráz." (Zdeněk Jirotka - Saturnin)